My 9 DOF Sensor

9DOF system for MPU9250/6500

This is a fairly common 9 Degrees of Freedom System

The Degrees of Freedom refers to 3 Axes of Acceleration, 3 Axes of Tilt, and 3 Axes of Magnetometers.

This combined with integration and post processing, allows us to calculate an object in space.

I purchased a MPU9250/6500 on amazon and I couldn’t find how to integrate values to create a 3 Axis System. It took 14 libraries (until I found 2 that did the trick),some forced mapping, and a lot of coffee.

I will slowly update it, as currently it only operates at 512 samples/sec

Needs “MadgwickAHRS” And “MPU9250” to function, will be including my edited versions in later releases

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