Let’s Make New Node

Lately I’ve been a bit busy in terms of focusing on other projects. I’ve let some of my infrastructure fall into disrepair, so I thought I would do an update!

I recently acquired 5 HP EliteDesk 800 G2s with 500gb of HDDs, a quad core i5-6500t, and 4gb of DDR4 ram. These are neither the fastest, nor the most powerful, but they are cheap, well built, have full windows 10 pro licenses, and can easily be modified. Pretty much, they are a Fantastic Raspberry pi stand-in/replacement (at a fraction of the cost).

I’m currently in the process of purchasing 500gb m2 drives and 16gb of ram each, which should give a solid basis for these to be used as a small cluster for either Rancher or Docker Swarm.

I’ll be posting clean outs and upgrades pics in the next week, as all the parts come in!

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